First Holy Communion 2024

First Holy Communion 2024

Registrations are now open for our next course which will begin in February 2024, for children in Year 3 or above.

First Confessions will take place in April and First Holy Communions during the first weekend in July 2024. Note that places at each of the Masses are allocated in order of return of registration forms which are complete with all necessary documentation.

Classes are held weekly (during term time) on Saturdays at 11am in the Parish Hall.

Please read the description of our course, including the commitment required of parents – then, if you want to register, follow the instructions at the bottom of this page.  


In our parish, parents and children journey together towards these sacraments.

By blending doctrine (knowledge) with practical learning – such as how to pray at home, what happens at Mass – and working collaboratively with parents, we prepare candidates for their first Confession and Holy Communion and lay foundations for their future happiness – living as Catholics in ever-closer union with Jesus Christ.

Candidates, accompanied by one parent, attend ten classes each lasting 75-90 minutes. These are on term-time Saturdays at 11am in the Parish Hall and are led by Fr Francis, Jean Gardner and a team of catechists. We use YOUCAT for Kids – a lively book designed for parents to explore the Catholic Faith with their children aged 8-12 years.  

Each of the ten classes lasts 75-90 minutes and includes:

  • Exploration of key Questions from YOUCAT for Kids to develop knowledge of our Faith, and especially these two sacraments
  • A visit to our Church to learn about sacred spaces and objects (including the sacristy – always a favourite!) and spend a few moments together in prayer before the tabernacle 
  • Teaching about the Holy Mass – by Fr Francis
  • Ideas and resources for prayer at home

If you are willing to make attendance at all sessions a priority and play an active role in your child’s preparation, including coming to Sunday (or Saturday evening) Mass together each week, the Lead Catechist would love to hear from you.

How to register:

  1. Send an email to stating your child’s: name & surname, school, year group. Within 2-3 days, Jean Gardner will contact you with further information and instructions for picking up your registration pack.  Note: your initial email sets the process in motion but does NOT obtain a place – you must complete steps 2 & 3.
  2. When advised that it’s ready, pick up your registration pack – from Church before/after Mass on Saturday evening or Sunday.
  3. Fill in the form, attach the enclosures and return to the parish office by 31 January 2024 – using the return envelope provided.
  4. Within 3 days, Jean will contact you to acknowledge receipt and confirm your child’s place on the course.